Thank you for filling out the Arousal Type survey!

Your results will be emailed to you within 7 days.

* Due to an enormous response it will take a little longer to send your response back to you than we thought originally. Thank you for your patience.


Email: with any questions or comments.


Don’t live your life with low arousal

Ask Petra, a Counselor and Clinical Sexologist:

  • Boost your low sexual arousal
  • Connect with your partner
  • Negotiate the sex you want (download sexual contracts here)
  • Find a partner that suits your sexual arousal type
  • And much more

More questions? Email Dr. Zebroff to ask a question or schedule a session. Set up a session now.

More about Sexual Arousal:

Find out how you can increase sexual arousal by paying attention to your “sexual triggers” or “sexual blockers”.


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